April 2, 2013

US Army Goes Solar

The United States Army is turning to solar power to save time, money, and ultimately lives. A team of Army engineers recently created an energy-efficient housing unit, which features a built in solar system as well as backup energy storage unit. In addition, the new shelter, which resembles a large box, will utilize LED lights, a rainwater collecting mechanism, and waterless toilets. The solar power and other sustainable features make this new Army shelter 35-75% more energy-efficient than conventional Army tents and will likely be widely deployed in the near future.

These new barracks are much more cost-effective than conventional tenting units that unnecessarily waste money on electricity. The new housing units are also easy to assemble—requiring only four people a total of fifteen minutes. The US Military is one of the biggest supporters of solar power having recently installed solar on thousands of soldier's family homes and will continue to look for solar solutions in the future.


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