September 8, 2015

SunPower: Improving access to affordable nutritious food with solar

When it comes to keeping communities healthy and happy, SunPower and its partners are deeply involved. Green Convergence is constantly promoting and supporting other local businesses and homeowners all over Santa Clarita, Los Angeles and the Ventura and Antelope Valley counties. Similarly, another SunPower partner, Freedom Solar in Texas, recently completed a “14 kilowatt solar power system for Austin’s Sustainable Food Center” (1).

What is a Sustainable Food Center?

It is a non-profit organization focusing on the creation of a local and affordable food system for the communities in which they are located. This organization promotes healthy and sustainable eating by providing organic gardening, cooking and nutrition courses that everyone in the Austin area can take (1).

How is SunPower solar helping this program and others like it with solar?

According to Ronda Rutledge from the Sustainable Food Center in Austin, the system donated by SunPower and Freedom Solar will “offset about 25 percent of [the center’s] electrical usage and reduce [their] electricity costs by 40 percent or more" (1). These savings will loosen up more available funds for the Sustainable Food Center to put towards enriching the Austin community through local, nutritious food.

What are the donated SunPower system’s specifications?

The high-efficiency SunPower system includes roof-mounted 36 panels installed by Freedom Solar volunteers.

Why does SunPower care?

SunPower solar and their partners—Green Convergence included—are leaders in efficiency and sustainability. With multiple certifications from third party environmental groups for land-fill free solar manufacturing and other notable environmentally-friendly achievements, SunPower solar is paving the way to a more sustainable American future.

What’s the catch? How does sustainability benefit them?

Sustainability benefits everyone in the long run. But most businesses aren’t thinking that far ahead and want to cut corners now. But SunPower is thinking ahead and that is why they invest so much money into making their panels in the “greenest” ways possible.

This isn’t a PR stunt either. They don’t need it because SunPower solar already makes the most efficient panels on the market today. SunPower goes the extra mile for the Earth because they believe it is the right thing to do. And, that’s something we can all get behind.



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