October 17, 2016

Girl Scouts Visit SunPower Solar Design Center

On Friday, October 14, Green Convergence had the privilege of hosting local Santa Clarita girl scouts at the Valencia Solar Design Center. Nadia Foley, one of our solar energy consultants, taught a Solar 101 course for the girl scouts about what solar energy is, how it works, and how it protects the environment. When the girl scouts arrived, Big Mouth Pizza Co. off Newhall Ranch Rd. in Valencia, donated and delivered lunch for the girl scouts. After Nadia taught about solar, she showed the group the difference between a SunPower solar cell and the normal conventional cell with cell breaking kits. Each girl scout ripped, banged, and attempted to mutilate the SunPower solar cell causing minimal damage. However, with the conventional solar panel, they easily broke it (to their surprise) just by touching it!

Following the cell breaking demonstration, there was a solar energy quiz and all the girl scouts remembered the important facts of solar energy and how to help the environment. To observe how solar energy works for themselves, each girl scout created a solar pizza oven to cook their very own solar s’mores without using any electricity. All they used was the power of the sun! Everyone in the group was able to take home a goody bag of fall treats and information about how their families can protect the environment by going solar.

The local girl scouts took a major step in leadership and initiative for their families and for the next generation. They realized the importance of conserving electricity and choosing the greatest renewable energy to help the environment – solar. That’s why at Green Convergence, we want you to have the best solar panel to help save the environment and your pocketbook. That’s why we sell SunPower. Yet although solar panels are important, solar is more than the panels you use. Solar is more than a solar project – it is a roofing and electrical project. Green Convergence prides itself in having over 75 combined years of roofing and electrical contracting. We do solar right and bring world-class service to your home and solar investment.

Our local girl scouts took the initiative by coming to our Solar Design Center to learn about solar. Will you? Come visit our Solar Design Centers in Calabasas and Valencia to learn more about solar energy, how it impacts the environment, and how it will save you money. Solar is not only a financial investment, but an investment for you and your family’s future. Learn more today by visiting our website or calling 661-294-9999 to speak with one of our solar experts about going solar with Green Convergence!

Do you have a non-profit group or class you would like to visit to one of our Solar Design Centers? Just email marketing@greenconvergence.com for more information. For every person in your non-profit that goes solar with Green Convergence, we will donate $500 to your non-profit. Call us today to learn more!


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