August 2, 2016

American Reading Co chooses SunPower Solar

The prevalence of solar power is revolutionizing the way people think about power. The proliferation of solar panels on homes and businesses has been a huge boost to the job market and the economy in uncertain times. But many Americans remain unconvinced of solar’s benefits.

Hopefully, that will change soon as more big brands, like the American Reading Company, with big brains and hearts start making the switch to solar. The American Reading Company and other organizations like it set an example for future and current home and business owners, showing them how easy the process is and how much they can benefit from solar technology. And, it is these solar trailblazers that hold the key to proving once and for all that solar—SunPower solar in particular—might just be the saving grace of the still-struggling American economy.

What is the American Reading Company all about?

The American Reading Company is a truly groundbreaking community that has the country’s best interests at heart. A female-owned business based in Pennsylvania, the Reading Company employs a team of over 200 brilliant minds. These amazing individuals work with schools in all 50 states to ensure that every American student is reading at or above their recommended reading level, a goal we all hoped would be reached years ago (1).

Why is going solar so important to them?

Beyond their dedication to education, the American Reading Company (ARC) is also dedicated to making the switch to clean, sustainable and money-saving solar energy. And, this summer, they reached this goal. The ARC “announced the completion of a 313-kilowatt high-efficiency SunPower® Helix™ Roof solar power system” at their King of Prussia warehouse location (2). Early estimates show this SunPower solar energy system will save the company “$2 million over the next 25 years” (2). That means more money for educational materials and less spent filling the pockets of the local utility.

But for the American Reading Company, it isn’t just about saving money. Reducing carbon emissions is also a principal goal of the organization, according to CEO and Founder Jane Hileman (2). It makes sense that an educational organization would now be so dedicated to restricting carbon emissions as new studies continue to suggest carbon emissions are hurting students’ future health and welfare.

What are these new carbon emission studies all about?

According to Jason West, a University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill atmospheric scientist, reducing carbon emissions, with the help of solar and other alternative energy solutions, could “prevent 300,000 to 700,000 premature deaths annually by the year 2030” and “800,000 to 1.8 million premature deaths annually” by 2050 (3). That means by simply switching to money-saving solar energy, the American Reading Company and other corporations like them are not just helping themselves. They are helping the whole world.

Why did they choose SunPower solar specifically?

It may be their kindred spirit of altruism that led the American Reading Company to SunPower solar. Providing the highest efficiency solar panels on the market while maintaining environmentally-friendly manufacturing facilities, SunPower is a leader in both performance and green technology policies. It is for these reasons SunPower is the only solar brand that truly matches the American Reading Company’s triple bottom line policy of “People, Planet, Profit.” (1).

How exactly does SunPower solar help the American Reading Company maintain their goals?

  • SunPower solar helps save PEOPLE from harmful carbon emissions.
  • SunPower solar helps maintain a clean and preserved PLANET.
  • SunPower solar helps the American Reading Company save money on their monthly utility bills so they can PROFIT from all their hard work!

For these reasons and more, the smart women at the American Reading Company made the best decision they could by choosing TerraSol Energies, King of Prussia’s local SunPower Dealer, for their solar installation (2). Similar to the rest of SunPower’s certified Dealers across the nation, TerraSol is staffed by elite solar installation experts.

What makes TerraSol a preferred solar installer?

Installing solar since 2009, Terra Sol recently became a certified SunPower solar Commercial Dealer (4). This means they have been specially vetted and trained to install SunPower’s exclusive solar panels like the team at Green Convergence. Most other panel brands let anyone buy and install their panels—even people who have little to no experience working on roofs or with fragile roofing materials.

This is likely to cost customers in the long run as roof leaks under conventional solar panels and other issues are more common than one would think. With SunPower panels and their dealers, the likelihood of panel failure or roofs leaks is significantly lower. In fact, “only 1 out of every 20,000 SunPower panels fails”, while other brands do not even publicize their failure rates (5).

Why is the SunPower panel failure rate so important?

Beyond the quality of their installers and individual panels, SunPower has worked hard to revolutionize commercial solar projects with SunPower® Helix™ Technology (2). This product streamlines the installation process with pre-engineered modules that increase efficiency to minimize the length of installation so business owners can focus on their work not their roofs (2).

Though you may not be able to purchase a Helix system for your home, you too can have the power of SunPower solar at your Southern California home with the help of Green Convergence. For more information, visit our commercial page or give us a call today and one of our solar experts will help you discover how much you can save with SunPower.



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