August 16, 2012

The Worlds Largest Solar Ship

Planet Solar has designed the world’s largest solar ship in an attempt to become the first vessel of its kind to circumnavigate the globe! Christened “Turanor”, the ninety-five ton catamaran can carry 40 passengers and travels at an average speed of 4 to 5 knots.

There are over 700 panels on the deck covering an amazing 537 m2. The system produces 93.5 kW of power stored in enormous lithium ion batteries. The ship began its maiden voyage on September 27 th, 2010 from Monaco and is expected to reach Monte Carlo sometime this spring. During the 18 month journey the Turanor will traverse the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. The crew will dock in Miami, Cancun, Brisbane, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Singapore. The Turanor is currently docked in Abu Dhabi for the World Future Energy Summit to spread awareness about sustainable energy. There have been no technical difficulties or break downs on the voyage.

Apart from the awe inspiring design and function of the ship, I love their vision. It is another piece of irrefutable evidence that solar energy is a proven technology that is here to stay. I realize ships running only on solar may not be practical on an industrial scale. My hope is that the shipping industry is taking note of this historical voyage and will look to solar as a complementary energy source. Solar is the answer and solar is the future. Green Convergence would like to say, “Good luck and Godspeed”, to PlanetSolar and the crew aboard Turanor.


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