April 25, 2013

Benefits of Commercial Solar

Save Your Business Money

Every year, electricity rates in California rise significantly and your business loses more and more money. Your business can benefit immensely by simply installing a commercial solar system, which will help you cut operating costs, increase profits, and possibly eradicate your monthly electric bills altogether. Don’t settle for unnecessary losses when such a simple money-saving solution is available.

Commercial solar is one of the best investments you can make for your business, because of the money you will save. Commercial solar systems provide cheaper energy than the grid, which either cuts your electricity bills significantly or eliminates these bills altogether. These immense financial savings can be allocated for other purposes and subsequently increase the productivity and value of your business.

If you purchase a commercial solar installation upfront, your business will experience a dramatic ROI in about 4 years. For the next 25+ years, your business will enjoy the financial savings from your commercial solar system, without having to worry about expensive electricity bills. Attractive rebates and incentives also exist to lower the initial costs of installing commercial solar. With these rebates and incentives, businesses can save a ton of money in taxes and reduce the cost of their commercial solar systems up to 50%.

If your business cannot afford a significant upfront investment, there are many long-term financing options available for commercial solar. With a leasing option, your business has the ability to immediately start saving money from the first day of installation. Banks and other financial lenders know that solar is a low-risk, high-reward investment, so they are willing to offer businesses the ability to install commercial solar for $0 up front and simply make low monthly payments for several years.

Protect Your Business Against Rising Energy Costs

Another benefit of installing commercial solar is protecting your business from skyrocketing electricity prices. In the past 25 years, Californian utility prices have increased by more than 50% and these utilities’ future electricity rates are projected to increase a further 3-4% each year for the foreseeable future. By investing in commercial solar, you will never see your electricity rates increase, but instead enjoy steady energy production that is independent of these increasing grid energy prices.

These escalating electricity prices can be detrimental to businesses because they yield uncertain costs for future operations. Although businesses know electricity costs will increase, they cannot be sure how much they will increase, so they cannot plan ahead for future expenses.

Enjoy a Reliable, Low Maintenance Investment

When you purchase or lease a commercial solar system from Green Convergence, you work with a trusted local solar company with brand recognition. We will take care of all the important installation details and ensure that you experience a painless process that does not disrupt your business operations.

Once the installation of your commercial solar system is complete, you will benefit from very low maintenance requirements. Your solar system will operate effectively and efficiently, producing reliable, clean energy for your business while only requiring an occasional cleaning.

Enhance Your Business’s Public Image and Reputation

One of the most important elements of any business is its public image. Customers must trust and respect a business in order for it to succeed. In order to enhance public image and subsequent success, many businesses are utilizing initiatives to make them more sustainable and “greener.”

This transformation to sustainability is one of the most prominent trends in the business world today. This has become a trend because the general public is beginning to value environmental responsibility and holding businesses accountable for their actions. Installing commercial solar is one of the simplest and most transparent ways to show your business cares about the environment and consequently gain a favorable public image.

In addition, installing commercial solar also shows that your business is innovative, open to improvement, and able to successfully adapt to changing times. These are all important characteristics of any successful business and it is paramount that customers as well as the general public are able to see simple reminders of these attributes.

As businesses across the United States turn to more sustainable practices in order to cut operating costs and improve their reputations, more and more businesses are reaping the benefits of commercial solar power. With flexible financing options and unparalleled benefits of commercial solar, there is seemingly nothing hindering your business from installing commercial solar. Don’t get left behind, install your very own commercial solar system today.


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